Mai Story

Founder Alan Phung's story begins with a cherished childhood ritual: drinking Vietnamese coffee with his family. The fragrant aroma of freshly ground Vietnamese Robusta beans filled the air, and the gentle sound of hot water flowing into the coffee filter was like a sweet melody. These moment held a special place in Alan's heart.

Alan began his mission to create his own Vietnamese coffee business and spent his college years researching what makes the perfect cup of Vietnamese coffee, experimenting with different beans from Vietnam, and gathering feedback from his first consumers.

From the last four years of Alan’s hard work and his memory of the flavors of his youth, Mai Coffee proudly brings you some of the finest coffee Vietnam has to offer. As Alan would say, "There's nothing like starting your day with a cup of iced Vietnamese coffee, sweetened with condensed milk. It's a reminder of the beauty in the world."







Best 〰️ Viet 〰️ Coffee 〰️